An In-Depth Guide To All Things Male Aesthetic Procedures

2022-09-02 19:15:22 By : Mr. Tom Zhang

What is the first thing you think of when someone mentions plastic surgery? Rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, Brazilian butt lifts? Quite possible, especially with the stereotype that plastic surgery is just for women. This untrue belief is one that plastic surgery experts like Haute Beauty Ambassador Dr. Sachin Shridharani of LUXURGERY have been up against.

Thankfully, with both time and knowledge spread, the male and female populations have begun to understand male aesthetic procedures are, in fact, a thing. Therefore, while we focus on male plastic surgery, it is important to note the male procedure options that could benefit you. Here's a rundown of all the aesthetic procedures available to the male clientele at LUXURGERY and beyond.

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is performed to improve the abdomen's appearance. It is often performed to help address excessive weight gain or after major weight loss. The skin and extra fat are removed, resulting in an improved and flat tummy. A typical abdominoplasty removes up to 5-10 pounds of stomach fat by disconnecting the skin from the underlying muscle, suturing the muscle back together (rectus diastasis repair), and cutting away any extra skin. A tummy tuck is one of the most requested procedures by men. With the increase in various weight loss surgery procedures, there has also been an increase in tummy tuck procedures. Patients typically may return to work two weeks post-surgery. Once the soreness has subsided, light activity may resume. Weightlifting may be resumed in moderation four to six weeks post-surgery.

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Kybella is the only FDA-approved injection specifically designed to treat “double chin.” It works by permanently dissolving fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve the overall contour of the neck and jawline. Unlike Botox and dermal fillers, the results from Kybella are permanent. Traditional methods to treat excess fat in the neck and under the chin require liposuction and/or a neck lift (which are more invasive and require a longer recovery time). Men who have consolidated fat deposits and submental fullness underneath the chin, aka double chin, are great candidates for Kybella, especially those men who, despite years of exercise/diet, find that the fat under their chin stubbornly remains. Kybella is the perfect option to achieve that chiseled chin they have always wanted. Most patients generally require 2-4 treatment sessions about one month apart to see their optimal results, which depends on the amount of fat under the chin, and will see results 4-6 weeks post-injection. Most patients have slight discomfort similar to other injectables for a brief period of time after the injection, which resolves relatively quickly. Swelling and bruising can occur after each treatment session, which is a normal part of the healing process, and which tends to reduce with each subsequent session.

As the FIRST Plastic Surgeon in New York City to offer Kybella after FDA approval, Dr. Shridharani is the world’s leading authority on treating double chin/submental fat to improve the overall jawline contour with Kybella.

Botox treatment and dermal fillers are complimentary, minimally invasive, injectable treatments that are often administered during the same office visit. Because each product works differently in the skin, the two can be a powerful combination to achieve beautiful, natural-looking rejuvenation. Here is what you need to know about each one. “Botox,” aka Neuromodulator, is a tried and tested injectable to reduce the appearance of fine-deep lines and wrinkles on the face. Botox can also be used to soften the lines and creases on the forehead, around the mouth, chin, and neck. Men often request Botox (or “bro-tox”) when they are preparing for an important meeting or a special occasion, or simply to ease the appearance of deep creases and wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, or around the eyes “crow’s feet.” You may begin to notice results within 24 to 48 hours for moderate to severe frown lines. It takes about 7-10 days to see maximal results. In addition, in most cases, results will last 2-3 months or even up to 6 months based on the individual’s metabolism. A full Botox treatment generally takes around 15-30 minutes and does NOT require any premedication or anesthesia. After injections, there is a little bit of swelling and slight redness, which resolves in a matter of hours. Avoiding heavy exercise, salty foods, alcohol, and sleeping face down will help avoid excessive swelling. It is very common that men say no one noticed they got Botox, but people have told them that they look much better!

Dermal fillers, or soft tissue fillers, are injectable products made from substances such as hyaluronic acid. These substances can “fill” or help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and creases, raise depressed scars, and add contour to the lips and cheeks. Fillers are long-lasting but temporary solutions that are administered in the comfort of our office. Due to the aging process or weight loss, men often find they have lost volume in their faces. Volume loss leads to deeper creases and wrinkles. Voluma, for example, which is a hyaluronic acid (HA) filler, can manage to lift the cheek without making the face look fat. Dermal fillers tend to be long-lasting, renewing the skin for up to two years. However, they do degrade over time. Treatment may be repeated every few months to years. The side effects of dermal filler treatment are typically limited to mild, transient redness and swelling at injection sites. Minor bruising may also be noticed, but this is less common. Some people may notice prolonged swelling or the formation of lumps or bumps beneath their skin after a treatment. The risks include (but are not limited to): swelling, firmness, lumps, pain, redness, bruising, itching, and vascular compromise. This occurs in less than 1% of patients in our practice. Fillers are especially safe when you choose a trained professional like Dr. Shridharani and his team to treat you.

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Liposuction is the world’s most commonly performed cosmetic surgery procedure. “Lipo” is a minimally invasive surgical procedure meant to remove excess pockets of fat that tend to accumulate in areas that are resistant to dietary changes or exercise. These pockets are common on the abdomen, flanks aka “love handles,” neck, jowls/jawline, and other areas on the body. The procedure involves making small incisions to allow insertion of the cannula to suction away the fat. The incisions, however, are small enough to be usually closed with just a bandage rather than requiring sutures. Liposuction results are immediate, although there will have some swelling and bruising at the treatment sites. As these resolve over the next 7-10 days, one can see results. Liposuction is the most common aesthetic surgical procedure performed in men to treat the “Dad Bod.” Excellent candidates still have good elasticity in their skin so that the skin can tighten down to a slimmer contour once the underlying fat is removed. The overwhelming majority of liposuction cases can be done on an outpatient basis (patients go home the same day). There is some bruising and swelling, which will take up to 10 days to clear. Most patients can return to work in just two or three days unless they have had multiple areas treated. Those patients may need a week off from work. Scarring will be virtually invisible. The fat removed is gone for good! With a healthy weight and lifestyle, fat will not return to the area, and results will last through one’s lifetime.

A blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic surgery procedure for the upper and/or lower eyelids. The procedure improves the appearance of “tired eyes” and rejuvenates the appearance of the eyelids. Surgery can be on the upper lids, lower lids or both with the following goals. It can improve loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision. Generally, the surgery takes around 2 hours to perform. While eyelid surgery can be expected to correct certain conditions permanently, one will continue to age naturally.

Eyelid surgery is a commonly requested procedure among men who desire to improve their appearance or are experiencing functional problems. The surgery involves minimal pain, with most men being able to return to feeling comfortable in social situations or work within a week or two. Depending on the nature of your work, many patients find that they are able to work from home even a couple of days after their eyelid surgery. Initial healing may include some swelling, bruising, irritation, or dry eyes. This may include discomfort that can be controlled with medication, cold compresses, and ointment. Irritation at the incision sites is also possible. Bruising generally lasts approximately 7-10 days but depends on your own healing. Swelling generally subsides at 2 weeks but can last for up to 1 year. Eyelid surgery offers a more youthful, rested, and alert appearance and can-do wonders for re-establishing a sense of self-confidence and may restore impaired vision by reducing eyelid hooding. Your eyes are in secure hands with Dr. Shridharani and the LUXURGERY team.

For more information, visit Sachin Shridharani, MD, FACS's social media:

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